The BC offer is a broad one, encompassing products and services for a wide range of industries at every stage of the evaluation, research, product development, product trial and manufacturing processes.
News Archive: 2010
July 2010
Project Title: Isolation of speciality chemicals from biomass using supercritical fluids
The BioComposites Centre is advertising a Research Officer post for the above project. The closing date for applications is Friday 30th July 2010.
Application forms and further particulars are available from Human Resources, Bangor University (tel +44 (0)1248 382926 or 388132, email: Please quote reference number 10-9/238 when applying.
Informal enquiries can be made by contacting Dr Adam Charlton at The BioComposites Centre (Welsh Institute for Natural Resources), tel: +44 (0)1248 388072, e-mail:
February 2010
Staff from BC will be helping to man the Renewable Building trade stand (No 1695) at Ecobuild, 2nd-4th March 2010, Earls Court, London. Come and find out how bio-materials such as straw, wood, hemp and sheeps wool, etc can be built into your home, with benefits not only for you but also the environment.
There will also be a lively one day workshop, as part of the Ecobuild Fringe on Thursday 4th of March, where you can put your questions about renewable building to the panel of experts. The workshop starts 11am in the Whitehall Room. Full details are avalable from the website and in this press release
Renewable Building is a Thematic Working Group of the NNFCC (National Non Food Crops Centre), and the group exists to facilitate the development of the renewable building products supply chain in the UK. Members of the TWG come from many backgrounds including agriculture, product processing and manufacturing, Government, end-users and the underlying science base (including academia, SMEs and large companies). Group membership is open to NNFCC subscribers and the group meets to discuss recent developments and strategies for progress. For more details visit the Thematic Working Group website