We have been involved in many collaborative projects funded by the European Union, Welsh Government and UK Govenment. The following list highlights some of our past projects and there are links to visit the main website for the majority of projects.
Over the years we have collaborated with many European partners through COST Actions. Scroll to the bottom of the page for links to many of the COST Action networks in which we have contributed.
Project: ECO-SEE
ECO-SEE, an FP7 project led by the University of Bath, with 16 partners from across Europe, addressed an emerging health problem associated with modern low carbon buildings. Modern buildings have been developed to be very airtight, improving their energy efficiency and reducing their carbon footprint. However, these sealed environments have created unexpected side effects, with research showing that a build-up of potentially harmful chemicals in the air is potentially causing negative impacts on occupants.
The ECO-SEE project studied the use of innovative eco-building materials to address poor air quality, while also radically improving the energy efficiency of buildings.
Project website: http://www.eco-see.eu/
Project: WRAP Cymru Sustainable Resource Management Programme
BC worked with WRAP Cymru to support the sustainable resource management programme in Wales. In collaboration with Bangor University's Sustainability Lab, we provided technical advice, assistance and support to companies in Wales to improve the ciurcular economy and reduce waste to landfill. SME companies, commercial enterprises and charities had access to BC facilities to help encourage the use of recycled materials in manufacturing, for products and packaging.
BISIGODOS addressed the production of valuable algae derived chemicals, amino acids and high added-value bio-resins starting from algae biomass fed directly with CO2 from industrial emissions (cement, steel factory, thermal power plants, etc.) as a raw material that is cost-effective and renewable. The process is assisted by solar radiation, nutrients and sea water microalgae. This approach was based on the technology developed by the Partner Biofuel Systems (BFS) to produce bio-oil.
Project website: http://www.bisigodos.eu/
Project: BRIGIT 
BRIGIT aims to develop a cost-competitive and environmentally friendly continuous process to produce biopolymers (polyhydroxybutyrate, PHB, and succinate-based biopolyesters, PBS-Poly-Butylene-Succinate) from waste-derived lignocelullosic sugar feedstock liquor of wood sulphite pulping process based on “in-situ” fermentation process and new fermentation culture technology without alteration of the quality of current lignosulphonates (they have a high market demand as additive). Other non-wood plant waste, used nowadays in the pulp production, will be also considered as alternative sugar source in this project.
Project website: http://brigit.aimplas.es/index.php
Project: BREAD4PLA
The main objective of this LIFE Project is to demonstrate, in a pre-productive continuous pilot plant process, the viability of Polylactic Acid (PLA) synthesis from waste products of bakery industry and their use in the fabrication of a 100% biodegradable film to be used in the packaging of bakery products (closing the life cycle).
Project website: http://bread4pla.aimplas.es/index.php
Project: WISE
WISE Network provides a unique opportunity for business to work in partnership with Aberystwyth, Bangor, and Swansea Universities. Through the facilities and expertise available within both Welsh industry and the academic institutions we seek to embed sustainability at the heart of all businesses.
Project website: http://www.wisenetwork.org/
Project: LIMNet
LIMNet, the Low Impact Materials Network, is an A4B (Academia for Business) Knowledge Exchange Partnership funded by the Welsh Government. The project covers the following different sectors, smart and biomimetic materials, 3D printing and fabrication and building and construction. LIMNet aims to identify opportunities for growth and collaboration within and between these sectors both for academic institutes and companies within Wales. LIMNet is a partnership of three Welsh academic institutes; the BioComposites Centre at Bangor University, Swansea University and the University of South Wales.
More about LIMNet
Project: STARS
The industry-led project is looking at the potential to convert Welsh ryegrass into sustainable food packaging. Funding of almost £600,000 from the Welsh Government’s Academic Expertise for Business (A4B) programme is facilitating the Sustainable Products from Ryegrass (STARS) project, a collaborative programme of research between Bangor and Aberystwyth Universities and six industrial partners including Waitrose.
Project: NISE
The Novel Ingredients from Seaweed Extracts (NISE) project aims to develop a sustainable supply chain which exploits Welsh seaweed as a natural source of novel, high-value products for the food and cosmetics industries. Seaweeds are know to be rich in carbohydrates, proteins and minerals as well as bioactive compounds. The project facilitates the use of Welsh native seaweeds, produced via marine-culture associated with existing mussel production. Clean and efficient methods using solvents such as carbon dioxide, ethanol and water are being used for the extration techniques.
Project website: http://gwymon-seaweed.bangor.ac.uk/index.php.en
COST Actions
FPS COST Action FP1205: Innovative applications of regenerated wood cellulose fibres
The key objective of Cost ACTION FP1205 are:
- Improving knowledge on the preparation of nanocellulose and regenerated cellulose from wood sources.
- Modifying the properties of cellulosic materials to provide greater performance and potential for commercial uptake.
- Optimisation of processing parameters for the scaling up of regenerated cellulosic fibre production.
- Understanding the performance of new materials.
- New products from regenerated cellulosic sources.
As part of this COST Action we held a training school and workshop 3rd-6th March 2014.

For Training School images click here.
For Workshop images click here.
COST ACTION website: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/fps/Actions/FP1205
FPS COST Action FP 1203: European non-wood forest products (NWFPs) network
The importance of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) is recognised and accepted, but forest research remains mainly focussed on timber production. Consequently knowledge about European NWFPs is comparatively scarce, as is research on their ecology, management and economics, required to optimize sustainable simultaneous production of different products from forests. It is proposed that a multidisciplinary European network on NWFPs will help to bridge these gaps.
COST ACTION website: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/fps/Actions/FP1203
FPS COST Action FP1003: Impact of renewable materials in packaging for sustainability - development of renewable fibre and bio-based materials for new packaging applications
This Action addresses research in e.g. value chain efficiency, end-of-life and supply of raw material. It generates a trans-european cooperation aiming at developing scenarios about the future of paper recycling within Europe and the role recovered paper and board will play as a raw material source for the European paper industry.
COST ACTION website: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/fps/Actions/FP1003
FPS COST Action FP1006: Bringing new functions to wood through surface modifications
This Action will provide the scientific-based framework and knowledge for enhanced surface modification of wood and wood products towards higher functionalization and towards fulfilment of higher technical, economic and environmental standards. Such improvement is essential for a wider and more innovative usage of wood and wood based products, also in the scope of tackling the climate changes, by lowering of usage of non-wood materials.
COST Action website: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/fps/Actions/FP1006
FPS COST Action FP1303: Performance of bio-based building materials
This Action will provide a platform for networking and scientific exchange between different disciplines, such as material sciences, wood technology, biology, biotechnology, building physics and engineering. The Action aims to provide performance data for many "environmental friendly" building materials as well as suitable comprehensive test methodologies to determine their resistance against mould, stain, and decay. Consumer demands and preferences will also be taken into account. Information gained will support the expanding market potential for bio-based building products in indoor and outdoor construction.
COST Action website: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/fps/Actions/FP1303