The International Panel Products Symposium is the leading technical conference on wood based panels. It is an ideal networking opportunity for science and industry reporting developments in particleboard, OSB, MDF, plywood and fibreboard.
Review of IPPS Master Class 2014
16 - 17 September 2014, Bangor, Wales
The IPPS Master Class, hosted by the BioComposites Centre, was held in the Alun Roberts Building and Neuadd Reichel, Bangor on 16-17th September 2014. The Master Class gives a chance to tackle industrially relevant topics in a seminar style format, with greater opportunity to discuss and learn new techniques and concepts.
The two day programme consisted of lectures and practical demonstrations focusing on VOC's and resins.
The IPPS Master Class provides a great learning environment with a mix of networking and in depth discussions. The sessions tackled industrially relevant topics such as: European research networks and funding opportunities looking towards Horizon 2020; VOC emissions with respect to regulations for building products and the performance of wood; EU regulations on formaldehyde emissions and the impact on the wood based panel sector; formaldehyde free adhesive and finally discussing methodologies of environmental impact assessment for Life Cycle Analysis. Practical demonstrations of measuring VOCs using GCMS and microchamber testing were also given.



Dr. Rob Elias |
Mr Gus Verhaeghe |
Dr Martin Ohlmeyer |




Dr Mark Irle |
Dr Dirk Grunwald |
Prof Callum Hill |
As the Master Class was a seminar style event, there are no printed proceedings.
We would like to thank all the speakers (shown above) for their significant contribution to the Master Class as well as Prof. Ray Marriott and Ms. Gee-Sian Leung for the practical demonstrations.
We also are grateful to the generosity of our sponsors for their support of our 25th Anniversary Lectures and Gala Dinner which coincided with the Master Class in 2014. For more information about them and the services they
provide, please click on the logos below.