The International Panel Products Symposium is the leading technical conference on wood based panels. It is an ideal networking opportunity for science and industry reporting developments in particleboard, OSB, MDF, plywood and fibreboard.
Review of IPPS 2011
IPPS 2011 - Symposium Homecoming
In 2011 the IPPS symposium returned to our roots in Llandudno, with a packed auditorium enjoying many sessions, as well as the Welsh weather!
IPPS 2011 continued to be well attended, with an international flavour and several speakers opening our eyes to regional feedstock challenges and advances in technology. Recycling remains a very important topic, as is the reduction and control of volatile organic compounds in production and service life. A wide range of aspects of the panel products industry were presented, including powder coating, thermal modifications, veneer drying, three-dimensional forming and novel test methods for product performance.
One highlight was the conference dinner, held in the newly appointed Menai Suite, complete with a well fought dinner quiz. The poster presentations once again were of high standard and the judges had a tough job of selecting the winner. In addition to the prize, Ana Henriques (of LEPAE, University of Porto) was asked to submit a paper of the winning poster to the conference issue of the International Journal Of Wood Products.
The organisers of the International Panel Products Symposium would like to thank all our presenters for contributing their time and research energies to ensure a high quality of presentations and conference proceedings.
IPPS 2011 was once again supported by Wood Based Panels International, and reviewed in the winter edition of the journal. You can read what they had to say about the International Panel Products Symposium in Llandudno by clicking the link below.
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