The International Panel Products Symposium is the leading technical conference on wood based panels. It is an ideal networking opportunity for science and industry reporting developments in particleboard, OSB, MDF, plywood and fibreboard.
Review of IPPS 2007
IPPS 2007 - Another successful year
In October 2007 we were pleased to welcome 130 delegates to the first International Panel Products Symposium in Cardiff, the capital of Wales.
During the conference we heard from many speakers, both academic and industrial, about developments in the wood based panels industry.
The opening session on the potential of wood modification for the panels industry was of particular interest, forming a bridge from ECWM3 on the previous two days. The session introduced the subject to members of the panel products industry attending the symposium.
In addition, we welcomed key note speaker Eunice Cinnamon, who presented insight into the furniture industry, which is a major user of wood based panels in the UK.
John Sharp presented an enlightening keynote address, a "wish list" for panel products production systems and machinery, reflecting the changes and developments that could revolutionise board production.
John Wadsworth, our final keynote speaker, illustrated many of the recent changes in the panels market, giving the context for many of these developments.
The first International Panel Products Symposium, IPPS 2007, followed ten successful years of the European Panel
Products Symposium. The international theme of the new name was seen at the conference, as we welcomed delegates from Asia, Australasia, North and South America in addition to Europe.
The organisers of the International Panel Products Symposium would like to thank all our sponsors for their generous support which ensured that this was a high quality event.

Read what Wood Based Panels International had to say about the International Panel Products Symposium (IPPS 2007) in Cardiff.
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